Casual Conversion

What you need to know & do

Recently the Fair Work Act 2009 (FW Act) was amended to change workplace rights and obligations for casual employees. The amendments introduced a:

  • Casual Employment Information Statement (CEIS)
  • definition of casual employment
  • pathways for casual employees to move to permanent employment.

These changes came into effect on Saturday 27 March 2021.

What do these changes mean for you and your Practice?

Casual Employment Information Statement (CEIS)

From 27 March 2021, employers must give every new casual employee a copy of the CEIS before, or as soon as possible after, they start their new job.

HIES Tip | Include the CEIS as part of your casual employee onboarding documentation.

Do you need to provide existing casual employees with a copy of the CEIS?

Small business employers (ie. your Practice employs less than 15 employees) must provide existing casual employees a copy of the CEIS as soon as possible.

Other employers are required to provide a copy of the CEIS to existing casual employees as soon as possible after 27 September 2021.  During this six-month period, these employers must make an assessment of each casual employee and identify whether, based on the person’s work history the Practice is required to offer casual conversion. Refer to below for more information on this process.

Providing the CEIS to your team
You can provide a copy of the CEIS to your casual employee:

  • in person
  • by mail
  • if the person agrees, by emailing a copy of the CEIS or sending them a link to the CEIS on the Fair Work Ombudsman website.

You can download the Casual Employment Information Statement below:

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