How we can help your practice

The Health Industry Employment Services (HIES) Team are passionate about your people. With extensive health industry experience, our team will assist your Practice to meet compliance and reduce the risk of Fair Work claims to your business. We are here to support you with all your HR needs, providing quick and accurate advice, educating and supporting you so you can focus on patient outcomes instead of HR headaches.

HR Advice



Advice & Support

  • Phone & Email HR Advice & Support
  • Personalised service from a Health Industry Specialist HR Advisor
  • Providing a sounding board and peace of mind

Employment Contracts

  • Reviewing your current employment contracts
  • Implementation of new employment contracts
  • Drafting of Individual Flexibility Agreements (salaried contracts)

Workplace Health & Safety

  • Support with your WHS Framework
  • Practice hazard identification walk throughs.
  • Support in implementing controls for hazards

Award Compliance

  • Support with the Health Professionals & Support Services Award (HPSS) & Nurses Award
  • Support with the National Employment Standards (NES)
  • Employment Relations advice to avoid Fair Work Claims

Policies & Procedures

  • Access to Health Industry Employment Policies
  • Annual policy updates for the lifetime of your membership
  • Drafting of custom practice policies
  • Support with implementation of policies

Make a booking to start your journey to compliance

with George Sotiris (Director) from Health Industry Employment Services

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